Thomas Stringer

Power Apps - The Easiest and Quickest Possible Way to Create a Mobile App

I’ve recently started learning more about the Microsoft Power Platform, and these rapid solutions are proving to make my life a lot easier. I’ve found that Power Automate can handle a lot of my rou...

Find the Owning Resource Group From Within an Azure VM

Have you been working with/in an Azure VM, and you want to know where exactly this VM lives? What resource group? Or if you have a multi-subscription organization, you might not even know which sub...

Schedule AKS Clusters to Start and Stop Automatically

Want your dev AKS clusters running only during working hours? Need your test AKS clusters to run only when weekly tests are running? One of the really great features of AKS is the ability to stop...

Understanding nil Interfaces and Interfaces with nil Values in Go

Interfaces in Go are one of the cornerstones of writing code that is both flexible and testable. But oftentime there is confusion when working with interfaces that can be nil. What does that even m...

Azure Linux VM SSH Error - Connection refused

SSH’ing into any Linux machine is the common way to interact with it. But there are times when you might run into issues and having Linux running in a cloud provider, like Azure, can add another la...

Automating the Easy Things with Power Automate

I love automating my tasks. If I’m doing something that I’ll do more than once, I’m already thinking about a way to automate it. The typical way to do this is to write code. Sometimes a lot of code...

Top-Level Drop-In to Apply Settings to All Units of a Certain Type

One of the great ways that systemd allows you to modify a unit definition, without necessarily having to change the original unit file definition, is with drop-ins. Drop-ins are super powerful, and...

SSH into AKS Nodes

One of the great things about Kubernetes is that it abstracts away the underlying compute so that we only have to worry about our application workload running on the cluster. But there might be a c...

Using Desktop Linux in a Microsoft Shop - Yes You Can

I hear this all the time, and I want to set the record straight: Just because you are part of a Microsoft “shop” (an organization or team that focuses heavily on Microsoft technologies, such as Azu...

systemd Inhibitor Locks Deep Dive

systemd inhibitor locks are a really great way to have some control over the system state changes (shutdown, reboot, idle, suspend, etc.). The common use case for this is if you need to ensure that...