systemd inhibitor locks are a really great way to have some control over the system state changes (shutdown, reboot, idle, suspend, etc.). The common use case for this is if you need to ensure that...
Cheap AKS Update - Basic Load Balancer
I recently wrote about how to run Kubernetes in Azure the cheap way. Since then I’ve learned that there is another thing we can do for even more savings! Note: Just like the in previous blog post,...
Show the Current Azure CLI Subscription in the Terminal
I live in the terminal for almost everything, and that includes managing my Azure resources with the Azure CLI. Like a lot of others working with Azure, there are a handful of subscriptions that I ...
Search for a Key Vault Certificate in an Azure Subscription
If you are working with Azure Key Vault certificates, you might have a hard time locating the certificate itself in your Azure subscription. Let’s take a scenario: You notice that the certificate ...
Audit Azure AD User Role Assignments
A typical security guideline is that you should not be granting permissions directly to users. Instead you should prefer granting the permissions on a group. Then to give users permissions it shoul...
systemctl status Output Explained
When trying to learn a little bit about a systemd unit, one of the most common (if not the most common?) commands you might run is systemctl status. There is a lot of really valuable information in...
Get Azure Key Vault Certificate Expiration Dates
Certificates expiring can (and often do) cause unexpected outages. It’s one of the few times when “nothing changed” can cause a serious issue. Azure Key Vault is a great cloud service that can help...
Find which Azure RBAC Roles Contain a Permission
Azure role-based access control (RBAC) is the access management that Azure uses for resources. When giving a principal access to certain resources, you need to either use an existing role or create...
DefaultDependencies Can Cause a Unit Ordering Cycle
Recently I ran into an issue that had me a little confused and troubleshooting for awhile, so I wanted to document it here. If you create a systemd unit that should be run before another unit, you ...
Using journalctl Effectively
If you have ever had the task of troubleshooting a modern Linux machine, you have undoubtedly used journalctl to display log messages. The journal is the logging mechanism for systemd machines, and...