Thomas Stringer

Why We Need mTLS in Kubernetes Service Meshes

One of the great features of service meshes in Kubernetes is the ability to have an out-of-the-box zero-application-changes solution that delivers a powerful security feature: mTLS (mutual Transpor...

15 Technical Leadership Qualities That I Try to Emulate

I’ve been very fortunate in my time as an engineer to have a lot of great examples of technical leadership. As I start the second chapter of technical leadership myself, I started to reflect on the...

Automatically Create Self-Hosted Runners with GitHub Actions

In recent blog posts, I’ve covered GitHub Actions from a few different angles: Deploy to AKS from GitHub Actions Deploy to AKS Using a Managed Identity from a GitHub Actions Self-Hosted Runne...

Create Ephemeral Self-Hosted Runners for GitHub Actions

In a recent blog post, I talked about how to work with GitHub Actions self-hosted runners. This was a really great advancement over deploying with GitHub-hosted runners because it allowed us to use...

Deploy to AKS Using a Managed Identity from a GitHub Actions Self-Hosted Runner

Last blog post I talked about how to Deploy to AKS from GitHub Actions. This was great and quick because it utilized GitHub-hosted runners. For many users and projects, this is completely fine. But...

Deploy to AKS from GitHub Actions

Creating a CI/CD pipeline to deploy to your Kubernetes application is a really great exercise to make an efficient and automated way to deliver your software. This blog post will show how to deploy...

Create an AKS Cluster with Azure Bicep

The ability to define your infrastructure in code, as opposed to using a GUI, is a very powerful and efficient approach. Typically you will see that named, appropriately, infrastructure-as-code (Ia...

Common Scenarios with Bash Parameter Expansion

When creating bash shell scripts, sometimes one of the toughest things to accomplish is basic parameter and string operations. Or conversely, when reading a shell script this notation can be quite ...

Discover Kubernetes API Calls from kubectl

It’s a rare occurrence, but there may be a time when you need to make a direct call to the Kubernetes API server to do something. Or maybe you are just curious about the REST API and what’s happeni...

Search All Files Including Dot Files and Dot Directories in Vim

Searching through files in your text editor is one of the most common and basic operations. But when you start mixing in dot files (.example_file) and dot dirs (.example_dir/) then it can get a lit...