Thomas Stringer

Troubleshooting the OpenTelemetry Target Allocator

In a recent blog post I talked about how OpenTelemetry uses the target allocator to generate Prometheus config to know what targets to scrape. But… what happens when it doesn’t seem to be working? ...

Ingest Prometheus Metrics with OpenTelemetry

OpenTelemetry has become the gold standard of cloud-native observability. It is the platform that handles the three observability signals: Traces, metrics, and logs. Metrics are an especially inter...

Peeling Back the Layers of the Code Review Onion

Writing code is difficult. But reviewing code can be a whole other level of challenging. 😱 Reading code that you didn’t write is already tough (e.g. being introduced into a new-to-you codebase tha...

12 Tips for Effective Technical Blogging

Technical blogging is something I’ve been doing for a long time. This blog, alone, goes back 7 years but I had a few other blogs on different platforms. In this post, I want to highlight a handful ...

When and How to Use Helm and Kustomize Together

I see this question asked all the time: Should I use Helm or Kustomize? There are definitely times when you will just want to use Helm charts. And likewise, there are times when you will want...

Kubernetes Taints, Tolerations, and Understanding the PreferNoSchedule Effect

Within a Kubernetes cluster, it is common to want to stop pods from being scheduled on a node, or even terminated if they are already scheduled. These are referred to as taints (on the node) and to...

List Prometheus Scraping Targets

When working with Prometheus, oftentimes you’re dealing with dynamic targets. The most common example of that is Kubernetes targets with the kubernetes_sd_config configuration. Even if your Prometh...

Troubleshooting Error 'Jwt issuer is not configured' in Istio and Envoy

Recently I was troubleshooting the following error: Jwt issuer is not configured I had created the following RequestAuthentication resource prior to this: apiVersion:

Get Istio's Internal Service Registry

Istio maintains an internal service registry that it uses to configure the data plane proxies. This service registry is the center of a lot of operations: For instance, when dealing with external t...

Restrict Routes to JWT-Authenticated Principals and Allow Unauthenticated Requests to Other Routes

For most applications, authentication (and authorization) have a significant role. Usually, there are certain groups of users that can access a particular resources. But sometimes you might have ot...