Thomas Stringer

Using Neovim as my PostgreSQL Client

I’ve been a Vim user for a very long time. And I’m also an avid PostgreSQL user, both personally and professionally. In fact, I finally got around to blogging about how I use Vim as my postgres cli...

What Determines if a Kubernetes Node is Ready?

Anybody that has dealt with Kubernetes clusters for any amount of time has likely ran into a situation where they run kubectl get nodes and may see the infamous NotReady state. It’s a deceivingly c...

OpenTelemetry Sample Application

TLDR OpenTelemetry shopping cart is repo that includes a microservices application, OpenTelemetry components, and many observability backend tools (the whole Grafana stack, Elasticsearch, Jaeger) ...

Restrict HTTP Request Methods in Go

This is loosely part 2 of my latest blog post on advancements in routing. One of the other new features in Go 1.22 is the ability to have the HTTP method enforced directly in the path. But let’s fi...

Get HTTP Route Values in Go

It seems like with every release, Go becomes better and better. Go 1.22 is no different. There are a lot of great advancements in this new release, but one in particular is really noteworthy: Impro...

Handling Concurrent Errors in Go

Go has a very powerful approach to concurrency. Not unlike other concurrency models, it can be challenging to handle errors. With Go, we utilize goroutines to handle our concurrent workloads. Take,...

Optimizing End-to-end (e2e) Test Performance

I’m a huge fan of end-to-end (e2e) tests. They give me the most confidence that my software is doing what I think it should be doing in production, but they aren’t without their faults. Let’s take ...

2023 Blogging in Review

I’m sitting here on December 31st as the final hours of 2023 come to a close, and I reflect on the past twelve months of blogging. So here we are! I had 283k visits with 330k total pageviews! T...

Adding Tests to Go Project Templates

I recently blogged about Go project templates and how you can use some boilerplate to quickly get up and running with your new Go program. It’s also a pretty common thing to write CLIs in Go, and I...

The Lack of Compensation in Open Source Software is Unsustainable

It’s 11:43pm on a Monday night. My 6-week-old son is asleep in my office so my wife can get some uninterrupted rest for the first half of the night. He’s finally asleep now, and I probably should b...