Thomas Stringer

Kubernetes API Groups, Resources, and Verbs

I recently talked about how to setup RBAC for a particular scenario. One of the key features of RBAC are roles. Here is what that particular role looked like… role.yaml apiVersion: rbac.authoriza...

Running kubectl Commands From Within a Pod

It is common to work with Kubernetes resources from within internal pods. The platform is obviously a great scheduler and orchestrator, but you may have custom logic that needs to make decisions fr...

Getting systemd unit dependencies

One of the difficult things of any init system is understanding how everything is all connected… what runs and when. One of the great things about systemd is that it makes it a fairly straightforwa...

Moving Away From Medium (mostly) to GitHub Pages For My Blog

I’ll keep this one short, because it’s a small decision with a small amount of reasons for the choice. For the past few years I have been using Medium as my writing platform. It’s been great, and c...

Searching Through All systemd Unit Files for a String

I was recently working on an issue where I had a systemd service that I didn’t want to run anymore (but I didn’t want to remove the service itself, and I also didn’t want to mask it). The obvious a...

Talking to systemd Through dbus with Python

As users of systemd, it is a fairly common to use systemctl to interact with the system manager. But what if you’re writing code and you want to programmatically interact with units and services? O...

Creating a Python package for Ubuntu... From code zero to apt install

Some of the work I am doing right now has me creating packages that should be distributed to Ubuntu Linux machines. For those of us that aren’t new to the Linux world, it is a normal thing to apt i...

Kubernetes’ AlwaysPullImages Admission Control - the Importance, Implementation, and Security Vulnerability in its Absence

Kubernetes is big and only getting bigger. What this means is that as adoption is on the rise, the natural progression is more Kubernetes clusters thrust into production. Oftentimes security is an ...

Extending Kubernetes - Create Controllers for Core and Custom Resources

Kubernetes is powerful and ships with a lot of out-of-the-box functionality. But as we start to think of new ways to use Kubernetes, we may want to have the ability to create our very own “Kubernet...

Logging to systemd in Python

One of the common themes in modern Linux is the adoption of systemd. Like it or hate it, it is here to stay. The main component of logging in systemd is the Journal, controlled by journald. Linux ...