Thomas Stringer

Logging to systemd in Python

One of the common themes in modern Linux is the adoption of systemd. Like it or hate it, it is here to stay. The main component of logging in systemd is the Journal, controlled by journald. Linux ...

Get the History of an Installed Package with DNF

DNF (“DaNdiFied Yum”) is the next version of Yum, the package manager for RPM-based Linux distributions (RHEL, CentOS, and Fedora). For those of us that are Fedora users, DNF is probably nothing ne...

Logging, Flask, and Gunicorn... the Manageable Way

Logging is one topic that some (many?) find boring. But something we can all agree on is that it is absolutely vital to software development and operations. Beginners to Flask (a lightweight but po...

Debugging a Python Flask Application in a Container with Docker Compose

Writing and debugging Python applications by themselves isn’t hard: Just kick it off with pdb and you’re in the debugger. But when you start adding layers on top of it like Flask (web framework), ...

SSH Through a Jumpbox to a Protected Server

This is a common pattern: You have a protected server (or servers) that aren’t publicly accessible. Typically, you may have what is commonly referred to as a “jumpbox”, which is accessible from a p...

Monitor, Log, and Alert CPU Throttling from Overheating on Linux

I’ve been recently dealing with an overheating issue on my Linux machine (Lenovo T420s). Completely perplexed on what was causing it (it wasn’t constant and happened with many different variables a...

Running and Debugging Azure Functions Locally on Linux

Today started out with some awesome Azure Functions news that Linux and Mac are now supported for running and debugging locally. As an avid Linux user and huge proponent of Azure Functions (and all...

Sherlock - a sandbox environment provisioning tool for your integration testing pipeline in Azure

One of my primary focuses these days is developing Azure support for Red Hat’s Ansible (if you are unfamiliar with Ansible, check it out. It is a great tool for DevOps and configuration management)...

Installing Python's cryptography package on Fedora Linux

I was recently wrestling with pip install cryptography on Fedora 25. I had followed the cryptography documentations and installed the referenced dependencies. But even so, I was still receiving a g...

Module Import Precedence in Python

I was recently troubleshooting a module import issue that was causing me to wonder how exactly Python determines which module to import. The background story there is I had pip install’d a module i...